Friday, February 20, 2015

Genrefy (It's not really a word but it works)

I first read about this idea in this  School Library Journal article about ditching Dewey.  The idea greatly intrigued me because I was spending my days as an elementary school librarian constantly walking kiddos to the "books about tanks" or the "cat books" or the "princess books".  When I read in the article that they had organized the books in their library to be more user friendly I immediately loved the idea and when I love an idea I have to tell everyone about it (case in point at the moment).  Everyone I talked to about the idea was horrified. 
Why, they asked, would you get rid of a perfectly good system?  The only reason I could think of is the most important reason, because it will be easier for the kids (who are the reason we have the library) to find the books they want.
I prefer to call my system genrefying because I'm not ditching Dewey. I love the Dewey Decimal System.  People think I'm joking when I talk about how much I love it. 
But, it's a system that only works for those who know how to use it and no matter how often I taught it and we sang the song the kids didn't live the system like I did.  So they might know where to find the cat books but not the dinosaur books and the numbers didn't mean anything to them.
Now that I'm at JMS and I have more time in the library with the books but the students have MUCH LESS time in the library with the books I have started the process.
I cannot explain to you how excited I am about this.  I know that it is going to increase circulation and make finding books MUCH easier for the students.
Here's what I'm doing:
I bought colored labels to stick on top of the existing spine labels, we started with the As and we are moving through the library. I'm sticking labels on the books that get returned too so there are some colored labels scattered throughout the shelves. 
I made a sign that lists our genres:
Action Adventure
Realistic Fiction
Historical Fiction
Science Fiction
and covered each genre in it's corresponding color. 
This will be slow going (until standardized testing closes my library for 2 months and then I'll have no patrons to speak of) and I'll make mistakes but I'm so thrilled to have started!
I'll keep you posted!

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